Arsip Bulanan: Maret 2007

Gift From USA

Eventhough I’m still wondering what will my good friends bring me gifts from USA, I got some kind of ‘gift’ from USA. Like CeCe’s postcard. CeCe sent me a postcard from Disney World. Wow! Thanks so much buddy. She wrote that I don’t need to worry because of UI’s PPKB, because there must be a way for me to get my place in university. Heheheh. Seneng juga sii dapet postcard gitu. At least...

Kegiatan Baru

Well, maybe it’s an old thingy where i need to join the successor of SMAN 9 Surabaya but… Gw jadi guru privat!!!!! Well, it’s damn a good and bad idea, but now seems i’m running my life with mathematic sticking on me. Seems that everybody see that i’m kind of mathematician or what. But maybe it’s a bit silly because i couldn’t teach someone well, i mean i have no teaching ability, actually.. Everybody...

What Da Hell???

Well, gw kemaren dipanggil ke ruang KepSek… Diapain yaaa?? Hehehehehehe Ga lucu kali ya. Tapi emang bisa dibilang sedikit lucu. Kemaren gw dipanggil ke ruang kepsek buat jadi “Tim Sukses” SMA 9 Surabaya dalam menghadapi Unas bulan depan. Maksudlohhh??? Well, gw dibilang sebagai orang “Terpilih” yang akan mengikuti pembinaan dari sekolah biar nilai Unas gw jadi perect banget. Gw ama 20 anak laennya yang jadi “Anak Terpilih” itu bakal dikasih tambahan belajar, tambahan materi, dan yaaa begitulah....