Gift From USA
Eventhough I’m still wondering what will my good friends bring me gifts from USA, I got some kind of ‘gift’ from USA.
Like CeCe’s postcard. CeCe sent me a postcard from Disney World. Wow! Thanks so much buddy. She wrote that I don’t need to worry because of UI’s PPKB, because there must be a way for me to get my place in university.
Heheheh. Seneng juga sii dapet postcard gitu. At least my good friends still remember me even though they have a happy life there. Tapi kartu pos USA tu beda yaa. Mereka memproses postcard and maybe the other mail too, using an automated machine. Whew. Beda banget ama di Indo yang masih jeblas jeblos stempel. Hehehehehe
Another gift is from mas Alan, my senior, dia ngebagi-bagiin duit dollar, ada yang quarter dollar, one cent, one dime, and five cent. Yang quarter dollar gw ngambil banyak banget nii.. hehehehe. Soalnya gambarnya beda-beda.
Makasi ya mas! Buat koleksi uang bertambah. Hehehehehe. Maklum, kalo koleksi dollar gw kan cuma selembar one dollar yang selalu tersimpan baik di dompet gw. Hehehehehe. Yaa akhirnya gw bisa mengagumi duit yang keren-keren daripada duit Indonesia yang biasa aja. Huahuahuahua
Ya terang aja.. I live in Indonesia, and of course I’m bored with all of these things. Heheheheheh