Piagam Pondok Ramadan
Well, tadi.. dan tiap hari dalam minggu-minggu ini, Anggi datang ke rumah gw buat belajar math juga ama gw. Gw seneng banget stidaknya jam blajar gw nambah lagi dee.. Nadia kan jarang datang sekarang karena
Primagamanya. So skarang setidaknya ada yang nggantiin.
Gw ni udah mo ditulis rapotnya, eh rapotnya masih di tangan gw. Gw lupa-lupa terus ngembaliin. Soalnya gw bahagia banget dapet nilai yang sangat buagus dalam 3 tahun terakhir ini. Huahuahuahuahua. Dan juga gw musti ngumpulin Piagam Pondok Ramadan buat Ebta Praktek. So that I need to get it on my dresser.
Yupz. I put all of my private and important thingy on my dresser. Including my secret …… (Not secret admirer though. She couldn’t be put at the dresser.. huahuahuahua). Well, I took my important-thingy-container, and I opened it up. I can see my report card, my AFS-Stupid-and-Silly-Thingy, my diploma collection, and of course, my certificate collection. Huahuahuahua
I opened the folders contained anything about certificate. I used to put all of it in one map. I believe I can find all the Ramadan Month’s Certificate in that place. But no. OMG! I need that certificate immediately. After I get out from that jerky school, you can just hideaway as you like. But for now, please…
I’m a bit scared and confused how to find it. I messed my room again with many kind of papers. Just to find a piece of paper for my next examination. And I ran amok (Ga sampe sgitunya laa.. huahuahuahua).
Namun gw tetep ga menemukan benda dudul itu. Trus gw teringat, “Ini kan berhubungan dengan agama. Mungkin aja ada bersama Al-Qur’an”.. Gw menuju meja belajar gw, dimana ada sebuah Al-Qur’an berukuran besar di taruh di atas rak dengan rapi, aku angkat Al-Qur’an itu, dan…
It’s a miracle of God! The Holy Book keeps it for me. Bener-bener ada di bawah Al-Qur’an loo. Wah Alhamdulillah banget, ternyata Allah masih sangat-sangat-sangat saying sama Gilang. A very thank you for my God, the only
power that rule this universe.
Dan akhirnya, gw bisa ikut ujian Agama Islam. Heheheheheh.